Patient Reviews

At Digestive Health Center, our gastrointestinal specialists strive to provide the highest possible care to treat all of your GI concerns. Our patient-centric approach to medicine means that your health is our highest priority. We are a physician-led network of providers who aim to help every patient reach optimal health. We know that gastrointestinal issues are not always the most comfortable conditions to discuss, so it is imperative that you feel at ease with your GI provider. When you visit our digestive health specialists in Ocean Springs, MS, you can rest assured that they are not only knowledgeable and skilled, but they are also caring and compassionate. Knowing that your provider cares about you as a person is very important, which is why we want you to hear from other patients, both past and present. Browse the reviews to see precisely what makes Digestive Health Center special. When you have finished, contact us and let us know how we can help guide you on the path to better GI health.

5.0 Review from C.T. Source: Google May 27 2023

"Dr McNair has treated me since 1983. My Mother n law was seriously ill in SRH. Dr McNair came in ICU and saved her life. That year 1983 I made an appt to be one of his patients. He had not been on the Coast very long at all. But took me as new patient…I still am a patient of Dr A McNair. He’s Brilliant. I love the whole team❤️ May 1, 2023"

5.0 Review from A.B. Source: Google Feb 27 2023

"Dr McNair is extremely knowledgeable in his profession and has an excellent bedside manner. He explains what he is doing in terms that I can understand. Him and his staff is always professional!!!"

5.0 Review from R.R. Source: Google Jan 27 2023

"Dr. Mcnair in my opinion is a wonderful, competent doctor. He shows the individual respect and allows them to participate in decisions concerning their own health and accepts deviations from the "norm" without pressure or ridicule to conform."

5.0 Review from P.L. Source: Google Oct 27 2022

"My first visit was very helpful, and gave me a sense of understanding and compassion that I had yet to recieve from another GI doctor. I pray that we will get my issues resolved, and I am feeling quite confident in this Doctor's plan of action. Highly recommend!"

5.0 Review from R.S. Source: Google Oct 27 2021

"Excellent GI doctor! He has done all of my colonoscopies with utmost professionalism. Highly recommend Dr. McKee and his team."

5.0 Review from J.B. Source: Google Oct 27 2021

"I’ve been in many doctors’ offices because my mom is a nurse. Dr McNair and his staff are the best of the best. Great office, great attitudes, hard workers 👍"

5.0 Review from B.H. Source: Google Oct 27 2020

"After a routine health screening and having a colonoscopy for the first time, Dr. McKee found a Large mass. I was scared and he was very compassionate and and confident it could be taken care of surgically. Dr. McKee called me into his office several days later to deliver the news I had feared....colon cancer. He was very compassionate and kind and I am so grateful he found the tumor in time. He referred me to a rockstar surgeon and followed my progress along the way. I highly recommend this passionate Gastrointerologist."

5.0 Review from L.M. Source: Google Oct 27 2019

"Honestly the most generous, sincere, compasionacom & unselfish Dr I've known in all my years (&they are many) He listens intently & is dedicated to finding the problem, otherwise refers to another who can. I trust him completely & yes he sees many... This review is about HIM, Dr McNair... Personally, I wait for my appts with him, CHOOSING to knowing if it was an emergency he will find a way to help me (which HAS happened). My ONLY wish is that he be cloned...what a blessing that would be (: I can't give an opinion of other Dr's in that office & it wouldn't be fair. THEY'D NEVER MEASURE UP TO HIM."

5.0 Review from K.D. Source: Google Oct 27 2018

"Dr McNair is a caring and invested Dr. He has been treating me in excess of twenty years. He is an excellent diagnostician. There are times I have had to wait for him but that is usually because an emergency or complication."

5.0 Review from J.R. Source: Google Oct 27 2017

"Dr. McKee is simply incomparable in his level of caring and expertise. He is someone who takes the time to listen to your story and tailor your treatment accordingly. I cannot recommend him highly enough."