
Symptoms, Conditions & Procedures

GI Symptoms

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain manifests as general discomfort or localized pain between the pelvis and chest and, when severe, could mean more serious GI issues.

Anal/Rectal Bleeding

Anal or rectal bleeding is a GI symptom that occurs when blood emerges from the rectum due to GI conditions such as an anal ulcer or hemorrhoids.


Bloating is a symptom of various GI issues or overeating that results in fluid retention in the abdomen or the accumulation of gas in the GI tract.

Blood in the Stool

Blood in the stool is a GI symptom that requires evaluation as it is indicative of bleeding occurring somewhere within the gastrointestinal tract.

Bowel Incontinence

Bowel incontinence is the inability to manage bowel movements, ranging from a complete loss of control to irregular stool leakage while passing gas.


Constipation is a common symptom that occurs when stool becomes excessively dry or hard, which makes moving it through the digestive tract difficult.


Diarrhea is a common symptom of various GI conditions that presents as loose, watery stools occurring more than three times within a 24-hour period.

Difficulty Swallowing

Difficulty swallowing can indicate various issues and is described as the strenuous movement of foods and liquids from the esophagus to the stomach.


Heartburn is a GI symptom that presents as a painful burning sensation in the chest that often intensifies after bending over, lying down, or eating.


Indigestion is described as discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, often accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling of fullness following a meal.


Nausea is a symptom attributed to various GI conditions and illnesses that manifests as an uneasy feeling in the stomach and the urge to throw up.

Unexplained Weight Gain/Loss

Unexplained weight loss or gain is defined as a significant change to one’s weight by either gaining or losing without trying to make any changes.


Vomiting may occur when your body feels threatened due to something ingested, causing your stomach to contract and forcefully expel its contents.

Yellowing of the Skin/Eyes

Yellowing of the skin and eyes causes a yellowish hue to form on the whites of the eyes and the skin as a result of an excessive amount of bilirubin.